Intention Setting Template for Notion + Printable PDF Download


Intention Setting Template for Notion + Printable PDF Download

What is an Intention?

At the very basic level, an intention is like sending out a wish or desire to the Universe. When you set an intention, it is done with an inner knowing that it will manifest when you are ready and open to receive. It’s critical that you trust the process — you must trust what you desire will come to fruition.

Read this blog post to learn more about intention setting, plus examples.

What about Manifestation?

Intention setting plays a pivotal role in manifestation. The entire concept of manifestation is beyond what we’re talking about here. So, let’s go with a simplified version…

Manifestation is taking a thought, dream, or idea and creating a material result. For example, you had an idea that you wanted to write a book. When that book comes to life, it results from intentions leading you to manifest the dream into reality. In other words, intentions bridge the gap between thought and manifesting your desires.

Why a Notion Intention Setting Template + Printable PDF Download?

Setting intentions are an essential tool to help reach your goals and dreams. Since intentions are so important to your success and we all have different ways of creating them, in this blog post you’ll find TWO different ways to track your intentions:

  1. Notion Journaling Intentions template, and
  2. Printable PDF Download for creating intentions.

Whether you utilize the Notion template or printable worksheet, you’ll find yourself creating intentions with ease. And, manifesting your dreams!

An image of an iPad screen with a journaling intentions notion template on the screen. Text overlay reads Journaling Intentions Notion Template
Journaling Intentions landing page

Meet the Notion Intention Setting Template

  • Start Here — To help give you an overview of intentions setting.
  • My Current Intentions — A sample table copied from the quarterly intention setting to give an overview of where you’re at; replace this with your intentions using the template provided.
  • My Intentions Journal — This is the main database for setting your intentions. As you move through the various intention setting templates, you’ll uncover journal prompts to help you think through your greatest desires, how to make them become a reality, and help you follow-through with them through your intention setting process.
    • If you are an avid Notion user and have a dashboard you use regularly, consider adding a view of the database there.
    • If you’re a Notion newb, then check out the YouTube video below. It will walk you through some of the basics to help you get started! I highly recommend taking a couple of hours over the next couple of days to familiarize yourself with the platform, the possibilities are pretty much endless. And over time, you’ll be able to fully harness the power of Notion! Personally, it’s been life changing; I’ve converted several people already. LOL
    • How to Use the Intention Journal — Helpful information for using the My Intentions Journal. If you aren’t sure how to use the intentions journal, you’ll find helpful information here, including some information about the templates.

Ordering your intention setting

Here is an important part. Creating your annual intentions first is the best approach. The ideal order goes as follows: Yearly > Quarterly > Monthly > Daily. This way, you are certain your daily intentions are in alignment with what you want to accomplish throughout the whole year. Following this format will ensure success in achieving your New Year intentions.

  • Wheel of Life — A great way to keep track of the different areas of your life to give you an overview of where you are doing well. As well as the areas of your life that need to be nurtured.
    • How to Use the Digital Wheel of Life — Directions to use the database, including descriptions for the eight components of the Wheel of Life. You’ll even find a great template to help you keep track of all the things.
  • How to Create Powerful Intentions — Some ways to help you level-up your intentions, including a link to download the custom icons used throughout the template.

Pro-tip: Create a morning routine that incorporates using your new Notion template (or workbook). As part of this routine, include writing your daily intentions using the Daily Template provided. It will help to streamline the process and keep you on track with all your goals.

Watch the Video for a Sneak Peek!

Meet the Journaling Intentions Notion Template with this Sneak Peak — Bonus: You’ll learn some great tricks!

Download your Free Template Today

Intention Setting Printable PDF Workbook

If you’re the type of person who loves to put pen to paper, you are in luck! I’ve created a printable PDF version of the Journaling Intentions Workbook for you. This way, it can be more of a guided journal to use as a roadmap.

When you get your free copy of this workbook, you’ll see it is very similar to the Notion template. But, you it’s printer friendly — allowing you to set your intentions in peace without worrying about notifications distracting you.

An image of an iPad screen with a Journaling Intentions Workbook Notion template on it. Text overlay reads Intentions Workbook. I’m printer friendly.
A preview of the Journaling Intentions Workbook (the printer friendly version)

Using this Intention Setting Printable Tool

The printable workbook includes directions to help you get the most out of it. The best feature is the ability to streamline your process by using the templates provided. There are five templates included: Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly intentions, plus a 6-mo Check-in.

As you think through the intentions, it’s helpful to consider the following categories of life:

  • Health & fitness
  • Career, work, or school
  • Family & community
  • Spirituality & personal growth
  • Environment
  • Fun
  • Love
  • Finances

You might recognize these categories as commonly included in the Wheel of Life. If so, you’d be correct! In the printable intention setting template, you’ll find a copy of this to fill in. If you are using the Notion template, you’ll find a printable and digital Wheel of Life. Plus, you can use the pre-built database to track your progress.

Pro-tip: When using a printed copy of the Wheel of Life, write the date on it and add a calendar event to complete it again in 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-months from now. This will give a (mostly) objective view of your life’s progress and change over the past year. To make your life easier, save a link to this blog post in your calendar so you don’t have to look for it each time.

Wheel of life which consists of 10 concentric circles divided into 8 different sections. The sections are labeled with health & fitness, career/work, family & community, spirituality & growth, environment, fund, love, and finances.
Wheel of Life to give you a visual of where you are flourishing in your life versus where you need to give yourself a little more love & attention.

Don’t Forget to Get Your Workbook

Level-up Your Follow-up Game

To make the most of your intention setting practice, it’s important to re-visit your intentions (and Wheel of Life) at regular intervals — monthly, quarterly, half way through the year, and annually. To help you with this, I’ve taken the time to create an Intention Check-in calendar to sync with YOUR calendar. This way, it’s just a matter of a few clicks to seamlessly add reminders to your calendar!!

Why the calendar feed? I did this to help out my fellow ADHDers who might struggle with the execution, or anyone who wants to streamline tasks. By creating this calendar for you, it helps you to provide the steps needed to set intentions. And, removes guesswork from the process so you can focus on the follow through.

Add this Intention Setting Google Calendar to your personal calendar. This will auto-populate calendar events to remind you to check in with your intentions — monthly, quarterly, and annually. Now, that is efficiency!

Sync the Intention Check-in Calendar to YOUR calendar now!

More than Just Calendar Reminders for Following-up

When you add the Intention Check-in Calendar to your calendar, you’ll find MORE than just a reminder. Each calendar event includes a list of questions for you to consider as you reflect on the past and you look to the future. Each calendar event type has different prompts or questions; types include monthly, quarterly, annual and halfway through the year. Bonus, you’ll also find resources to help you stay on track with your intentions and keep them organized.

Don’t Forget your Calendar Reminders

Before you head out, don’t forget to add the Intention Check-in calendar to your calendar.

Seamlessly auto-populate reminders to check-in with your intentions. Learn how over on the blog! Image of a white box which reads “add to calendar. intentions check-in. add.”

Until next time,

XOXO Kristi

If you want to keep learning about intention setting, I totally recommend checking out the related blog posts below!

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